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Error creating database tables & indexes for JTS, CCM an

We are installing RTC on RDz UT. After configuring teamserver.properties files we are now running BLZCREDB job which use to create database tables and indexes for JTS, CCM and QM.
But it showing the following errors;
CRJAZ1705W The system property "com.ibm.team.repotools.rcp.scriptName" is not set. Using the default value "repotools".
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "/etc/rtcconf/jazz/jts/provision_profiles".
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 3.0.1 (RJF-I20110602-0017)
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:/etc/rtcconf/jazz/jts/teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1779I This server is configured as a JTS.
CRJAZ1781W The Public URI Root has not been set. Use the server setup wizard to enter the public URI. This property is required to
enforce consistent URL management in the application. The public URI represents the URL that all clients must use to access the ap
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "//;password=xxxx
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
Db Product Name: DB2
Db Product Version: DSN09015
Db URL: jdbc:db2://;password=xxxxxxxx;
Jdbc Driver Name: IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture
Jdbc Driver Version: 3.58.104
CRJAZ1093I The following service class was not activated: "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.schemagen.PersistentMappingServi
CRJAZ1141I Cannot get the service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseStateService".
CRJAZ1203I Could not determine the database location.
CRJAZ1306I The service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseStateService" is not available.
Creating the tables for the database "//;password=xxxxxxxx;" with indices.
CRJAZ1141I Cannot get the service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseCreationService".
CRJAZ1309I The database connectivity service is not ready.
The database tables were not created.
Why it's not creating database tables successfully?
Also, after seeing the logs from /u/rtcwork/jazz/logs there's another error stating this;
java.io.IOException: EDC5133I No space left on device.
at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:266)
Our system don't have any space issue as we had checked.
Really look forward for your cooperation in this regard.
Shajeel Ahmed Khan
We are installing RTC on RDz UT. After configuring teamserver.properties files we are now running BLZCREDB job which use to create database tables and indexes for JTS, CCM and QM.
But it showing the following errors;
CRJAZ1705W The system property "com.ibm.team.repotools.rcp.scriptName" is not set. Using the default value "repotools".
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "/etc/rtcconf/jazz/jts/provision_profiles".
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 3.0.1 (RJF-I20110602-0017)
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:/etc/rtcconf/jazz/jts/teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1779I This server is configured as a JTS.
CRJAZ1781W The Public URI Root has not been set. Use the server setup wizard to enter the public URI. This property is required to
enforce consistent URL management in the application. The public URI represents the URL that all clients must use to access the ap
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "//;password=xxxx
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
Db Product Name: DB2
Db Product Version: DSN09015
Db URL: jdbc:db2://;password=xxxxxxxx;
Jdbc Driver Name: IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture
Jdbc Driver Version: 3.58.104
CRJAZ1093I The following service class was not activated: "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.schemagen.PersistentMappingServi
CRJAZ1141I Cannot get the service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseStateService".
CRJAZ1203I Could not determine the database location.
CRJAZ1306I The service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseStateService" is not available.
Creating the tables for the database "//;password=xxxxxxxx;" with indices.
CRJAZ1141I Cannot get the service "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.IDatabaseCreationService".
CRJAZ1309I The database connectivity service is not ready.
The database tables were not created.
Why it's not creating database tables successfully?
Also, after seeing the logs from /u/rtcwork/jazz/logs there's another error stating this;
java.io.IOException: EDC5133I No space left on device.
at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:266)
Our system don't have any space issue as we had checked.
Really look forward for your cooperation in this regard.
Shajeel Ahmed Khan
One answer

I am not a Z expert....
I would consider checking the special istructions on your database on z in the online help.
There is another post around this error: https://jazz.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12193&view=previous
The user did not follow up, unfortunately.
I would check the DB2 logs and I would also check the connection parameters in the teamserver.properties. Maye the "no space left" is related to files in a folder you are not aware of, or it is related to missing permissions to write for the user.
Just some guesses.
I would consider checking the special istructions on your database on z in the online help.
There is another post around this error: https://jazz.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12193&view=previous
The user did not follow up, unfortunately.
I would check the DB2 logs and I would also check the connection parameters in the teamserver.properties. Maye the "no space left" is related to files in a folder you are not aware of, or it is related to missing permissions to write for the user.
Just some guesses.