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User Interface Specification report not available out of box

David Retzler (8811) | asked Mar 27 '12, 5:45 p.m.
The User Interface Specification report, which the Help contents lists as being one of the out of the box reports in RRC, does not appear in the list of selectable reports. This is RRC v3.0.1.2.

Is it a bug? Or if it is simply not yet available, do you know when it will become available?

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Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Mar 27 '12, 6:35 p.m.
The User Interface Specification reports are available since, if you have recently updated your server try re-initializing the publish service to load any new templates.

The User Interface Specification report, which the Help contents lists as being one of the out of the box reports in RRC, does not appear in the list of selectable reports. This is RRC v3.0.1.2.

Is it a bug? Or if it is simply not yet available, do you know when it will become available?

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