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RTC with WAS federated Repository

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Mar 27 '12, 7:48 a.m.
We are using RTC deployed on WAS. for user authentication we are using federated repository. Is there any way that RTC users can change their passwords?

2 answers

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Mar 27 '12, 8:03 a.m.
We are using RTC deployed on WAS. for user authentication we are using federated repository. Is there any way that RTC users can change their passwords?

To My knowledge only people with admin access to the WAS can edit the users which is why LDAP authentication is urged with the jazz products - this will make it simpler for users to get access and lessen the administration costs.

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Qaiser Islam (31297074) | answered Mar 27 '12, 9:27 a.m.
We are using RTC deployed on WAS. for user authentication we are using federated repository. Is there any way that RTC users can change their passwords?

To My knowledge only people with admin access to the WAS can edit the users which is why LDAP authentication is urged with the jazz products - this will make it simpler for users to get access and lessen the administration costs.
Thats true, right now only WAS admin can change the user passwords...we dont have any LDAP so we opted that option

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