Getting a file info through a plain Java API.
My customer needs a list of all file's info in a specific project-steam-workspace.
#because of compliance reqson...
Here, " file's info" consist of...
- path (*Windows directory name is OK)
- filename
- a latest date which modified
- who modified last
Platform :Windows 7, RTC and Plain Java API lib are
I try to get these info through the plain Java API. I refered the sample code ""(contained in a distribution of the plain Java API), and modified Snippet4.printComponentFileTree() method.
///////// part of a modified-Snippet4.printComponentFileTree()
for (String name : children.keySet()) {
IVersionableHandle item = children.get(name);
if(item instanceof IFolderHandle){
printComponentFileTree(workspace, component, configuration, (IFolderHandle)item, indent + " ", monitor);
monitor.subTask(indent + name);
// How do I get info of each file ????
I can get an instance of IVersionableHandle, but don't know how to access a each file and get info listed above.
If someone know how to do that,please give me advise.
My customer needs a list of all file's info in a specific project-steam-workspace.
#because of compliance reqson...
Here, " file's info" consist of...
- path (*Windows directory name is OK)
- filename
- a latest date which modified
- who modified last
Platform :Windows 7, RTC and Plain Java API lib are
I try to get these info through the plain Java API. I refered the sample code ""(contained in a distribution of the plain Java API), and modified Snippet4.printComponentFileTree() method.
///////// part of a modified-Snippet4.printComponentFileTree()
for (String name : children.keySet()) {
IVersionableHandle item = children.get(name);
if(item instanceof IFolderHandle){
printComponentFileTree(workspace, component, configuration, (IFolderHandle)item, indent + " ", monitor);
monitor.subTask(indent + name);
// How do I get info of each file ????
I can get an instance of IVersionableHandle, but don't know how to access a each file and get info listed above.
If someone know how to do that,please give me advise.