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More Test Cases importing from Word questions

Stacie Hanna (4657) | asked Mar 22 '12, 4:00 p.m.
Ok, in my word document, my layout is:
1.1.1 Test Name Objectives:
This section lists test objectives System Requirements:
This text is not important Prerequisites:

User has done the following steps:
1. Step 1 instructions here
2. Step 2 instructions here Test Flow:
1) Log into the program
2) Click the Foo button
3) User verifies results.

**TABLE WITH ACTUAL TEST STEPS (the test script, if you will)**

I'm figuring out how to use the RQM Exporter for Word, but I'm having some problems figuring out the list items for pulling information into the test case.

My .cfg file has:

The intent is to pull the first heading for the test case title, which works! Hooray! But the second line is intended to pull the information under objectives into the test case description. What I'm actually getting is not what I expected. I get one test case with a name that is correctly filled out. Then I get a second (!) test case with a description of "Objectives:"

So, onto the questions:
1) How do I convince the tool that these items are going into the same test case, and not different ones?

2) How do I convince the tool to pull the text below the heading for the description, and not just the heading? I tried adding ',2' after the "*.*.*.1." bit, but it didn't appreciate that either.

3) When I try to put the Prerequisites section into the PreConditions section, is it going to dislike any numbering or bullets in that text?

4) Are there any further documented examples of using the list objects for exporting? The samples mostly rely on tables.

4 answers

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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Mar 26 '12, 1:00 a.m.
if you testcase titles are always from list *.1.1
you can match the title by testcase.dc:title=List("*.1.1")

and we have done many changes for word with list in RQM 4.0 RC1.
artifact in list is expected to separated by "\n", and don't set "\n" inside one artifact.
1. title
1.1 testcase1 title
1.1.1 testscript1 reference to the testcase1 testscript1 step1 title testscript1 step1 description testscript1 step1 expectresuit testscript1 step2 title testscript1 step2 description testscript1 step2 expectresuit testscript1 step3 title testscript1 step3 description testscript1 step3 expectresuit testscript1 step4 title testscript1 step4 description testscript1 step4 expectresuit
\n <- this new line is expected to separated the testcase.

1.2 testcase2 title
1.2.1 testscript2 reference to the testcase2 testscript2 step1 title testscript2 step1 description testscript2 step1 expectresuit testscript2 step2 title testscript2 step2 description testscript2 step2 expectresuit testscript2 step3 title testscript2 step3 description testscript2 step3 expectresuit testscript2 step4 title testscript2 step4 description testscript2 step4 expectresuit

and for question "How do I convince the tool to pull the text below the heading for the description"

if you want to text below the heading for the description you can set it as another list, and change the config file match pattern.

and we'll add list samples to the RQM4.0 RC1 release.

Ok, in my word document, my layout is:
1.1.1 Test Name Objectives:
This section lists test objectives System Requirements:
This text is not important Prerequisites:

User has done the following steps:
1. Step 1 instructions here
2. Step 2 instructions here Test Flow:
1) Log into the program
2) Click the Foo button
3) User verifies results.

**TABLE WITH ACTUAL TEST STEPS (the test script, if you will)**

I'm figuring out how to use the RQM Exporter for Word, but I'm having some problems figuring out the list items for pulling information into the test case.

My .cfg file has:

The intent is to pull the first heading for the test case title, which works! Hooray! But the second line is intended to pull the information under objectives into the test case description. What I'm actually getting is not what I expected. I get one test case with a name that is correctly filled out. Then I get a second (!) test case with a description of "Objectives:"

So, onto the questions:
1) How do I convince the tool that these items are going into the same test case, and not different ones?

2) How do I convince the tool to pull the text below the heading for the description, and not just the heading? I tried adding ',2' after the "*.*.*.1." bit, but it didn't appreciate that either.

3) When I try to put the Prerequisites section into the PreConditions section, is it going to dislike any numbering or bullets in that text?

4) Are there any further documented examples of using the list objects for exporting? The samples mostly rely on tables.

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Stacie Hanna (4657) | answered Mar 26 '12, 8:56 a.m.
if you testcase titles are always from list *.1.1
you can match the title by testcase.dc:title=List("*.1.1")

and we have done many changes for word with list in RQM 4.0 RC1.
artifact in list is expected to separated by "\n", and don't set "\n" inside one artifact.

Thanks for the reply!

Will the 4.0 version of the exporter create an xml that can still be imported into 3.0.1? We are still early in the implementation stages with 3.0.1, but I don't think we'll be upgrading.

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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Mar 26 '12, 10:16 p.m.
the samples in Word Exporter 4.0 are works fine on both 3.0.1 and 4.0 server, I didn't go throung all the complicated cases, but depending on the code change I think Word Exporter 4.0 will work fine for most cases for 3.0.1 server. And in Word Exporter3.0, List doesn't work well, I suggest to have a try with Word Exporter 4.0 to see if it works fine on your cases.

if you testcase titles are always from list *.1.1
you can match the title by testcase.dc:title=List("*.1.1")

and we have done many changes for word with list in RQM 4.0 RC1.
artifact in list is expected to separated by "\n", and don't set "\n" inside one artifact.

Thanks for the reply!

Will the 4.0 version of the exporter create an xml that can still be imported into 3.0.1? We are still early in the implementation stages with 3.0.1, but I don't think we'll be upgrading.

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Stacie Hanna (4657) | answered Mar 27 '12, 11:03 a.m.

and we have done many changes for word with list in RQM 4.0 RC1.
artifact in list is expected to separated by "\n", and don't set "\n" inside one artifact.

When is RC1 slated to come out?

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