Not able to get testcase details using Reportable Rest API to GET all test cases filtered by specific custom attribute
I am trying to use Reportable Rest API to GET all test cases filtered by specific custom attribute. For example, name of custom attribute is 'ATETestNr'.
I am giving below query: -
headers added:
Total 19 testcases available in the stream. I am getting the output of 10 testcases aligned with custom attribute correctly but when I am trying to get details of next page rel="next" the data It is referring is from different stream. Also not getting the data of stream I mentioned in my rest call.
Could you please let me know how I can get data of next page. Let me know if any mistake I am doing from my end.
One answer
In your original request are the query parameter values URL-encoded? The actual URL used should look like:
The next page URL uses (as expected) the same configuration you specified in the original request - are you certain this is the configuration you're looking at to check for the 19 test cases?
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 14 '22, 5:15 a.m.What does the link for the next page look like - can you edit it (obfuscate the hostname if you want to) into your question? You aren't modifying it in any way, are you?
Rakhi Raikwar
Oct 14 '22, 5:33 a.m.Thanks for looking into it.
I am not modifying the link. Please find below link to next page: -