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Need to "Fix Up" Data in Existing Work Items

Michael Whitner (5611010) | asked Mar 21 '12, 10:17 a.m.
I have created a new process template which heavily customizes the Defect Work Item type. I have created a master project using the new process template and enabled it to allow other processes to share its process. I have an existing project which I changed to inherit its process from the newly created master project. Everything seems to be working just fine.

However, I have 900+ existing Defect Work Items that need to have values populated in the new custom attributes and values changed for existing attributes whose underlying enumerations have been given new values. Exporting the work items and importing them using a custom mapping file is not an option.

My test RTC instance is using Derby as its database and my production instance is using DB2 as its database.

Can you please provide me with some guidance on how to perform the "fix up" of my existing Defect Work Item data? Will the process of fixing up the data for the existing work items be the same for Derby and DB2 databases?

Thank you,
Mike Whitner

2 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 21 '12, 9:00 p.m.
I can answer the last question ... fixing up the data for existing work items is the same for Derby and DB2 databases.

For the first question, I would expect that fixing up the existing work items would require writing some code to make appropriate calls to either the HTTP API or Java API of the repository. If you don't get a suggestion in this forum, you might want to try the jazz.extend forum.


I have created a new process template which heavily customizes the Defect Work Item type. I have created a master project using the new process template and enabled it to allow other processes to share its process. I have an existing project which I changed to inherit its process from the newly created master project. Everything seems to be working just fine.

However, I have 900+ existing Defect Work Items that need to have values populated in the new custom attributes and values changed for existing attributes whose underlying enumerations have been given new values. Exporting the work items and importing them using a custom mapping file is not an option.

My test RTC instance is using Derby as its database and my production instance is using DB2 as its database.

Can you please provide me with some guidance on how to perform the "fix up" of my existing Defect Work Item data? Will the process of fixing up the data for the existing work items be the same for Derby and DB2 databases?

Thank you,
Mike Whitner

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Michael Whitner (5611010) | answered Mar 22 '12, 6:43 a.m.
I can answer the last question ... fixing up the data for existing work items is the same for Derby and DB2 databases.

For the first question, I would expect that fixing up the existing work items would require writing some code to make appropriate calls to either the HTTP API or Java API of the repository. If you don't get a suggestion in this forum, you might want to try the jazz.extend forum.


I have created a new process template which heavily customizes the Defect Work Item type. I have created a master project using the new process template and enabled it to allow other processes to share its process. I have an existing project which I changed to inherit its process from the newly created master project. Everything seems to be working just fine.

However, I have 900+ existing Defect Work Items that need to have values populated in the new custom attributes and values changed for existing attributes whose underlying enumerations have been given new values. Exporting the work items and importing them using a custom mapping file is not an option.

My test RTC instance is using Derby as its database and my production instance is using DB2 as its database.

Can you please provide me with some guidance on how to perform the "fix up" of my existing Defect Work Item data? Will the process of fixing up the data for the existing work items be the same for Derby and DB2 databases?

Thank you,
Mike Whitner

Thank you Geoff!

I was thinking the Java API last night on my ride home from the office but, the HTTP API may be more appropriate in this instance. I'm not sure I'll have back end access to the server machine.

I'll post my opening post from this thread in "Extending Team Concert" (sans the Derby vs DB2 portion) also.

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