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Notification system

Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | asked Mar 16 '12, 8:04 a.m.
Hi community,

We would like to obtain the following with our setup:

    * User 1 creates a work item (e.g. a story)
    * User 2 creates a test case, and links the test case to the work item created by user 1 (under the "Development Items" section)
    * At a later point in time, User 1 makes a change to the work item
    * We would now like to make sure that User 2 is notified of the change to the work item, so he may determine whether a change to the test case needs to be done. We would like to obtain this via the web dashboard and/or e-mail.

I see that under the user e-mail section, one can choose to get an e-mail for work items for which the user is "Modifier". Does this apply in the use case I described above? And what about the "work item changes" feed in the dashboard, how can we obtain this?


3 answers

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Mar 27 '12, 7:08 a.m.
Rather than using the 'Modifier' notifications, you could use the 'Subscriber' notifications, i.e. in your case:
When User 2 links his Test Case to the Work Item, he can add himself as a 'Subscriber' to that Work Item, and insure that the good ticks are checked on his User's 'Mail Configuration - Subscriber' column (e.g. by clicking 'Other Work Item change not listed above'). This should insure that if the Work Item changes, User 2 will get notified.

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Martin Lauridsen (1211211) | answered Apr 10 '12, 3:07 a.m.
Rather than using the 'Modifier' notifications, you could use the 'Subscriber' notifications, i.e. in your case:
When User 2 links his Test Case to the Work Item, he can add himself as a 'Subscriber' to that Work Item, and insure that the good ticks are checked on his User's 'Mail Configuration - Subscriber' column (e.g. by clicking 'Other Work Item change not listed above'). This should insure that if the Work Item changes, User 2 will get notified.

Hi xophe,

That sounds pretty good. But what if User 2 is getting his inbox pretty spammed as it is, and would rather have the changes show on his personal CCM dashboard. How would we obtain this?

permanent link
Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 10 '12, 10:11 a.m.
I personally use a combination of email notifications for work items that I own and for any work items that mention my username (using the @ syntax). I also have a news feed in Team Dashboard of the Eclipse client that lists work items that I've subscribed to. The Team Dashboard will group multiple changes as one item so you can look at all the changes in one go instead of being spammed by emails.

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