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Query result to include Approved Date and who Approved CR

Sam Abeyratne (644) | asked Mar 15 '12, 3:12 p.m.
Is there a way to develop a query that will return a list of all Change Requests (i.e., work items) including the Approval date of each CR and who approved the CR?

The Approval is a status. Only Approver role can approve the CRs. Approve status is not the last status in the work flow. it continues from approved to scheduled to deployed etc.

Essentially the question is can you generate from a query that shows who made a specific status change for all CRs? If this is not possible is there a work around? This is a compliance requirement. So we need to be able to generate a list of all CRs and the approver name and approver date for each as an audit requirement.

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Mar 16 '12, 2:43 a.m.
there are multiple existing work items that could match your request.

If you can not find a matching work item on jazz, feel free to open a new enhancement request.


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