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Can you change an RTC build result status after completion?

Daniel martin (10122926) | asked May 12 '15, 10:20 a.m.
We execute thousands of builds a day, and increasingly we have teams automatically deploying the builds into controlled environments.  It would be nice if we could update the status of a build to reflect whether or not the deployment passed or failed.  We can create a hyper link to the deployment process, but unless we can update the status to show something else as happened that is related to the build I doubt developers will actually look.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 12 '15, 11:18 a.m.
I am pretty sure you can do that with the API. I would also suggest to look at the ANT tasks that are available e.g.

I have not tried that yet, but I would expect it to be possible in one of the ways.

The other question is, if the build is really completed if the deployment and test did not run......

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