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HTML Build artifact opens as text

James Palmer (3349) | asked Mar 08 '12, 10:06 a.m.
Using RTC 3.0.1.
During my build (using the build engine and an Ant build definition), I create an HTML file. Using Ant (artifactFilePublisher w/ property contentType set to text/html) I publish this HTML file to Downloads tab of my build. The file is there, but when I click on it, it opens it as text. How do I get it to open as HTML in the web browser instead?

The file is in my Navigation window, and it opens in the browser fine. (to get that to happen, I needed to add the META tag w/ content type set to text/html before it would... it was opening as text until adding that tag at the top)...

I'm sure I'm missing something!
Here is a sample of what my output.html file contains (very basic html):
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-5">
<html><body><table border=1>

Here is my artifactFilePublisher:
<artifactFilePublisher repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}"
label="HTML output" />

One answer

permanent link
James Palmer (3349) | answered Mar 08 '12, 10:36 a.m.
I'm trying to open this in Eclipse... with the web client, it seems to work fine... but on Eclipse, I get the behavior described above.

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