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RTC, Taskboard and Tasks priorities

Mikaël Donini (2145) | asked Mar 05 '12, 9:38 a.m.
Dear Forum,

I have a question regarding the taskboard view into RTC.
This view is very interesting for the members of our Scrum team.

However, I have several feedbacks asking how to have a colour code corresponding to the tasks priorities.

We know the "Ranked list" view and we know that it allows to view the priorities. But people of my Scrum would like to have in the same view the TASKBOARD and the tasks PRIORITIES.

Is it possible? Can we customize RTC to do that?

Thanks a lot for your helpful support.

Best Regards,

Mikal Donini.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 05 '12, 10:57 a.m.

you can edit the plan mode. If you do that there is a colorization tab where you can change the rules. E.g.

Color red: type:Story state:Implemented can be changed to

type:Story priority:High

I think there are some Articles in the library with a bit more details on this I think there is some here:

permanent link
Mikaël Donini (2145) | answered Mar 06 '12, 5:29 a.m.
Thank you Ralph, this is exactly what I wanted to do :D



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