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Show Change History displays entire html code (messy)

Eduardo Mylonas da Silva (23422519) | asked Feb 23 '12, 12:13 p.m.
1 - I navigate inside a text artifact
2 - I take the action to Open History
3 - In the View History page, I navigate to the "Show Change History" tab
4 - I expand all changes
5 - Inside each change, I click the "Show Changes"

Now comes my problem...

I have a table inside that artifact. For all the changes I made inside the table, the Show Changes displays the changes to the html code. This makes analyzing the changes too messy and impossible to read.

Is there any way around this? Is it possible to tell RRC not to display the changes to the html code and only the actual text/content?

Thank you

2 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Feb 23 '12, 3:04 p.m.
You have hit one of the limitations of the current "show changes" feature. We were unable to contain in V3 a "pretty" representation of the changes. This work is in our backlog for a future release.

You are welcome to open an enhancement request (or bug, depending on your perspective) and reference this forum post. If you do, please subscribe me.

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Eduardo Mylonas da Silva (23422519) | answered Feb 23 '12, 3:16 p.m.
You have hit one of the limitations of the current "show changes" feature. We were unable to contain in V3 a "pretty" representation of the changes. This work is in our backlog for a future release.

You are welcome to open an enhancement request (or bug, depending on your perspective) and reference this forum post. If you do, please subscribe me.

Thanks for the response, Daniel. Here's the Enhancement:

Thank you

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