[Urgent] Steps to configure Non LDAP setup with CLM
Hi All,
I am planning to do migration from tomcat to WAS in our test environment.
Current setup:
1. CLM 3.0.1/ Tomcat/ AIX / Oracle
Disbaled the default "ADMIN" user while configuring the JTS. For now, we are not going to use LDAP for this test setup. JTS/CCM/QM/RM gets user information from Tomcat.
Could you please update me the procedure to create users in WAS and configure WAS users with the CLM?
Currently JAZZ is running as "root" and WAS process is running as "wasadmin" user.
Waiting for your reply.
I am planning to do migration from tomcat to WAS in our test environment.
Current setup:
1. CLM 3.0.1/ Tomcat/ AIX / Oracle
Disbaled the default "ADMIN" user while configuring the JTS. For now, we are not going to use LDAP for this test setup. JTS/CCM/QM/RM gets user information from Tomcat.
Could you please update me the procedure to create users in WAS and configure WAS users with the CLM?
Currently JAZZ is running as "root" and WAS process is running as "wasadmin" user.
Waiting for your reply.
6 answers
There is some info in Articles and the help.
You have to manually manage the users in WAS if you don't use LDAP. I would suggest this only for tests not for production with many users.
You have to manually manage the users in WAS if you don't use LDAP. I would suggest this only for tests not for production with many users.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Deployed the apps to WAS, added the JDBC driver path to the classpath ( http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/mpadoc/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.websphere.wemp.doc%2Fconfiguring%2Fconfiguringandusingtheoracle10gjdbcdriver.html ) and restarted the server.
Initially it redirects to https://xxxx:9443/jts/auth/authrequired and prompts for UserID and Password. On submitting the login credentails it redirects to https://xxxx:9443/jts/admin and got hanged with the message "Loading".
Have you come across this type of login issue before? Please update your thoughts on this when you find time.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Deployed the apps to WAS, added the JDBC driver path to the classpath ( http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/mpadoc/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.websphere.wemp.doc%2Fconfiguring%2Fconfiguringandusingtheoracle10gjdbcdriver.html ) and restarted the server.
Initially it redirects to https://xxxx:9443/jts/auth/authrequired and prompts for UserID and Password. On submitting the login credentails it redirects to https://xxxx:9443/jts/admin and got hanged with the message "Loading".
Have you come across this type of login issue before? Please update your thoughts on this when you find time.
There is some info in Articles and the help.
You have to manually manage the users in WAS if you don't use LDAP. I would suggest this only for tests not for production with many users.
I took a quick look and JAZZ_HOME=file:///opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/JazzTeamServer/server/conf
I took a quick look and JAZZ_HOME=file:///opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/JazzTeamServer/server/conf
those symptoms are often related to JAZZ_HOME not set correctly or wrong security setting in WAS.
Please have a look at this article. There is also a troubleshooting document that we created: https://jazz.net/library/article/662
I took a quick look and JAZZ_HOME=file:///opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/JazzTeamServer/server/conf
those symptoms are often related to JAZZ_HOME not set correctly or wrong security setting in WAS.
Please have a look at this article. There is also a troubleshooting document that we created: https://jazz.net/library/article/662
Did you create your users in the federated repository and created groups like JazzAdmins and made your user member of this and mapped the group to the security group of the deployed war file ?