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Using two factor authentication with RTC 3

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Feb 13 '12, 7:51 a.m.
retagged May 07 '14, 5:11 a.m. by Sumant Renukarya (1.1k23339)

Anyone implemented any two-factor authentication with RTC 3.x?

This involves a secureID key or other means to authentication beyond LDAP.



Robin Parker commented Jul 23 '13, 4:03 a.m. | edited Jul 23 '13, 4:03 a.m.

Hi Anthony,

Did you ever get this set up?

This is now a requirement for us and I'd be interested in any experiance you may have in this area.

Many Thanks,


Anthony Kesterton commented Jul 24 '13, 8:12 a.m.

This was not required in the end - so I didn't get any further with this.  Apologies.

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Sumant Renukarya (1.1k23339) | answered May 26 '14, 3:43 a.m.
--> If two factor authentication is supported by the application server, then it might be possible. 
The authentication for CLM applications happens at the application server. The CLM application delegates the authentication mechanism to the application server.
--> However, if on Websphere Application Server (WAS), WAS support should be able to confirm on this. 
If WAS Supports this, then they should guide on how to set this up.
This is something which is not supported by Jazz Team Server out-of-the-box yet.

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