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RTC/RQM 2.x - Oracle deployment options

barnaby relph (1834) | asked Feb 09 '12, 7:07 a.m.
Currently my organisation has RQM and RTC running on separate oracle Instances, not just two different users/schema on the one database. For the v3 products, this link
appears to say it's ok to place all the different products in one DB, but I can't find anything that says this is ok for the 2.x products.

I need to know for two reasons:
1) I need to create a staging copy of all our live RTC/RQM data, so I can test out the upgrade process and my DBAs say it would be easier to bring in all 4 of our live Rational Databases in under a single DB and run them as separate users.
2) I'm curious as to whether there's any benefit to either approach going forward. I probably have the opportunity to change the deployment during the upgrade from 2.x to 3.x

Thanks for any feedback


One answer

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Philippe Mulet (55112) | answered Jul 04 '12, 11:30 a.m.
I don't think the rule changed for Oracle between v2 and v3 in term of DB usage.
There is a tendency to regroup all CLM DBs in fewer DB servers, if they have enough capacity.

Note that once you upgrade to v4, it will be easier to setup a staging server, see:

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