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Data warehouse user/password

Karl Todd (1111) | asked Feb 08 '12, 3:19 p.m.
retagged May 02 '13, 8:05 a.m. by Gerd Schiering (12211316)

I have a problem that is preventing me from updating the Data warehouse collection user.
I used the /jts/setup page. Every time I pout in the password it flag the "re-type passord" as not matching. After 20 time I'm thinking it is not really being updated at all.

The interesting items in the logs after running the common reports are:
java.sql.SQLException: CRRRE1404E: The user or password is invalid.

2012-02-08 14:20:24,408 WARN - CRJAZ1239I Jazz creates a file in the temporary directory to prevent users from migrating the database when the server is running. The temporary directory "%TEMP%" is not writable.

I thought I fixed the directory problem (It was not there, I had to create it) but I still get this error. (Jazz create 3 diretories under the contentservice directory.

Any ideas?
I realy do not want to reinstall everything.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 13 '12, 3:20 a.m.

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve and the error description does not ring a bell either. But the password for the data warehouse user can also be set in the JTS and application's advanced properties or the files.

It would be good if you provided more context such as Operating System, versions etc.

I have never seen the permission problems you describe. Please check the logs and look at the permissions of the user. The user running the server needs the correct permissions. This needs to be fixed before you can attempt to fix the other things.

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Karl Todd (1111) | answered Feb 14 '12, 6:20 p.m.
I inherited this install, and I assumed it was setup correctly.

The problems is due to the data collection user not being in LDAP.

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Gerd Schiering (12211316) | answered May 02 '13, 8:02 a.m.
Hi Karl,

You can utilize a userid that lives in JTS only.
No need to keep a functional user in your LDAP updated.

The following TechNote shows the steps you need to follow:

Hope this helps in case somebody still sees the issue.

Gerd Schiering
IBM TechSupport

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