Restricting access to RQM artifacts
Can one restrict access to specific test plans/cases/suites in RQM? And then can we restrict access to individual sections of these items? Restrictions would be read-only access and also no access (can't read).
I tried looking at an RQM project's teams and process in the Eclipse shell and didn't see how I could leverage them for access control. RTC added team-based restrictions for work and streams and I was hoping we had a similar capability in RQM.
Many thanks.
I tried looking at an RQM project's teams and process in the Eclipse shell and didn't see how I could leverage them for access control. RTC added team-based restrictions for work and streams and I was hoping we had a similar capability in RQM.
Many thanks.
5 answers
You cannot prevent read access to a test artifact if the user is a member of the Quality Management project. But, you can restrict the permissions by role for example only allow read-only for a type of test artifacts.
To do this, log in as administrator to the RQM server using the WebUI
open the project area administration page
go to the Permissions tab
select "Project Configuration" on the left side
select a role on the right side
In the Permitted Actions, clear the actions you want to restrict from that role in the "Quality Management" section, for example "Save Test Case"
To do this, log in as administrator to the RQM server using the WebUI
open the project area administration page
go to the Permissions tab
select "Project Configuration" on the left side
select a role on the right side
In the Permitted Actions, clear the actions you want to restrict from that role in the "Quality Management" section, for example "Save Test Case"
You cannot prevent read access to a test artifact if the user is a member of the Quality Management project. But, you can restrict the permissions by role for example only allow read-only for a type of test artifacts.
To do this, log in as administrator to the RQM server using the WebUI
open the project area administration page
go to the Permissions tab
select "Project Configuration" on the left side
select a role on the right side
In the Permitted Actions, clear the actions you want to restrict from that role in the "Quality Management" section, for example "Save Test Case"
Can we restrict the user access based on formal review status? Like, mark the artifacts read-only once the formal review is started (without the need to manually LOCK the artifacts) and normal mode once the formal review is complete (approved or rejected) by the members of formal review task.
I am looking at user with team member access in the above scenario (also, that person might be the owner of this artifact ) .
You cannot prevent read access to a test artifact if the user is a member of the Quality Management project. But, you can restrict the permissions by role for example only allow read-only for a type of test artifacts.
To do this, log in as administrator to the RQM server using the WebUI
open the project area administration page
go to the Permissions tab
select "Project Configuration" on the left side
select a role on the right side
In the Permitted Actions, clear the actions you want to restrict from that role in the "Quality Management" section, for example "Save Test Case"
AND I am looking at solution based on RQM 4.0 RC0
Can we restrict the user access based on formal review status? Like, mark the artifacts read-only once the formal review is started (without the need to manually LOCK the artifacts) and normal mode once the formal review is complete (approved or rejected) by the members of formal review task.
I am looking at user with team member access in the above scenario (also, that person might be the owner of this artifact ) .