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How to display burnup/burndown reports based on team area?

Rajesh Datla (1112) | asked Jan 20 '12, 1:54 a.m.
How to display burnup/burndown reports based on team area?.

I tried selecting parameters to display burnup reports, but reports are blank.

Do any configuration setting in RTC required before creating burnup reports based on team area?.

parameters are correct, data collector job ran.

i am using RTC client 3.0.1


3 answers

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Jan 21 '12, 6:25 a.m.
How to display burnup/burndown reports based on team area?.

I tried selecting parameters to display burnup reports, but reports are blank.

Do any configuration setting in RTC required before creating burnup reports based on team area?.

parameters are correct, data collector job ran.

i am using RTC client 3.0.1


Just to check:

The problem is that when you select the 'Query Parameters' of your Burndown widget on the Dashboard (or when editing the Report via the Reports menu), the 'Team Area' parameter box contains only 'Info not available' - correct ?

If Y, check in your Project Area configuration 'Work Item Categories' tab that there is a 'Team Area' associated to each of your 'Category', re-run the Data Collection Jobs, and re-try - the names of your 'Team Area(s)' (not the name of the WI Category) should now appear in the 'Query Parameters' Team Area list.

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Ivan Bula (58106) | answered Feb 22 '12, 12:15 p.m.
HI, I have the same problem. I checked the categories and their realtionships with Team Areas and look fine. Can I check anything else?

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Feb 22 '12, 12:34 p.m.
HI, I have the same problem. I checked the categories and their realtionships with Team Areas and look fine. Can I check anything else?

Another (trial-and-error) couple checks: 1) make sure at least 1 work item is 'filed against' each category, 2) run the data collection jobs ... 3) stop/restart the JTS server
... still nothing appearing in 'Query Parameters' of your Burndown widget ?

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