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Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Jul 19 '08, 1:13 a.m.
I see the /j_security_check page a few times. When is this page supposed to be displayed and how to avoid it? Thanks.

2 answers

permanent link
Todd Lainhart (40611) | answered Jul 21 '08, 2:23 p.m.
gdang wrote:
I see the /j_security_check page a few times. When is this page
supposed to be displayed and how to avoid it? Thanks.

This URI is part of the client/server form-based authentication
protocol, and is below the application and client API. The client
protocol POSTs to this URI if it's received an "authentication required"
response from the server.

What is the scenario under which you see this page?

Todd Lainhart
Jazz Repository/Foundation Team

permanent link
Gary Dang (59338955) | answered Jul 22 '08, 1:14 a.m.
I saw this page a couple of times. But cannot rememebr how to reproduce it. I rememebr that it was fine after closing the browser and open open the jazz/admin page. I will try browsing around and see whether I can see it again.

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