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Clear Users from RAM?

Dan Duce (2534745) | asked Dec 05 '11, 6:14 a.m.
Is there an easy way to remove users from RAM when you are using LDAP authentication?

We have converted our old RAM environment to a dev/test environment and restricted it to developers. However, people who used to use the environment are still getting subscription notices, and some have bookmarked links to assets that they are no longer allowed to access.

Is there a way to remove previous users along with their subscriptions and tags, other than wiping out all of the assets and reinstalling?

Currently, we've just taken away all of their rights in all of the communities. They can still login via LDAP, but they can't see or do anything once they log in.


One answer

permanent link
Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Dec 05 '11, 3:45 p.m.
Not today, but there's an open enhancement for archiving users.

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