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Dynamically populating the filed with the existing project

Joseph Simon Arokiaraj (21414845) | asked Nov 30 '11, 9:29 a.m.
Hi All,

I am working to create Helpdesk request work item to handle all the RTC related request from the users (like Adduser/Create a team area/Creating public queries etc).

I choosed the agile@scale template and glad to see there is a predefined "Project Chnage Request" Work item.

1. Created a new WI "Request", clone of "Project Change Request".
2. Created three fields (Request Type/Project/Team)
Now end user need to select the appropirate Request/project and Team.

Eg: AddUser/ABC/UI

I am wondering whether its possible to dynamically query the database and populate all the Project and the respective team areas.


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