Can I disallow changes to a specific query
We have a query that we want to say that only 2 specific people can edit. I haven't seen anything on the query builder that allows me to make it a "non-editable" query.
I believe that someone with team area/project area config could change the permissions to restrict modify of ALL queries based on the team area (for example) ... but what about just the creator of the query ...It looks like if the team area allows all team members to modify the attributes/parameters of the query in that team, and I share the query to that team, then everybody can edit it and there is nothing that me as the query creator can do to limit edit access ... correct?
Thanks, Susan
One answer
from what I found this is not possible the way you want it. You can restrict modifying queries based on role today. You can have private queries that only you can see and modify.
What you could look into is make your special query a predefined query however. It would be stored in the process configuration and could only changed by changing the XML. No user could accidentally change the query in the query editor. To find where these queries are stored, grab a name of such a predefined query. Take Blocked Work Items for example. Search the Process Configuration Source for "Blocked Work Items" and have a look how these are specified in the process XML.
Yea, I know that a project admin can do something like this, but it is more that an individual user wanted to do this. Part of the issue here is that if "joe" creates and shares a query to a team (assuming that we allow people of team's to modify shared queries), anyone can change it and from what we can find, there is no real good way to find out a) what was changed, b) who changed it, or c) subscribe such that IF someone changes a query, the person can be notified.
Hi Susan,
unfortunately I can't find an extension point where I could hook up an advisor, so I don't even see how I could create an extension, that could use the creator of the query to prevent others from changing it. You would have to request such an extension point or capability. Anyone who can modify shared queries can basically seem to be able to modify any shared query.