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Mapping between change mgmt type and WI type

T M (8878188143) | asked Nov 28 '11, 8:55 a.m.

I was going through the RTC help and in the WI customization section - "Defining mapping between change managemet type and work item type" I see a mapping of Requirement CR to a "Task" WI in RTC. If my requirement solution is RRC then what exactly it means?


2 answers

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Nov 28 '11, 6:26 p.m.
Some requirements systems like DOORS support a Change Management process for making changes to requirements, where a work item in an OSLC CM provider (e.g. RTC) controls the lifecycle of the changes to a set of requirements. The setting you refer to lets you control which kind of work item to use for this, and defaults to Task. I'm not sure whether RRC supports this kind of change management of requirements, though.

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George DeCandio (1112) | answered Nov 29 '11, 2:43 a.m.
RRC does not support formal change management as DOORS does today. In RRC, you can associate a requirement to a work item (of any type), but the management of changes to the requirement is manual. We are looking at bringing more formal change management like what DOORS has to RRC in the future, but there are no concrete plans to share at this time.


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