Exporting a build.xml
Hi Guys,
I have a bunch of projects in my stream. I click on the main top level project and select export and "Ant buildfile".
What this does is create a build.xml file in all projects. Now when it comes to using the top level build.xml in my build definition it seems via numerous erros that the paths are incorrect. I do not know how to change it.
for example:
project basedir="." default="build" name="it.unisa.coffeeUtilsCore">
property environment="env"/>
property name="ECLIPSE_HOME" value="../../../../IBM/TeamConcert"/>
property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars"/>
property name="target" value="1.5"/>
property name="source" value="1.5"/>
path id="Plug-in Dependencies.libraryclasspath">
pathelement location="../../../../org.eclipse.core.runtime"/>
pathelement location="../../../../org.eclipse.o
You can see that the pathelement & Eclipse_home are using ../../../../, which is completely incorrect as to when it comes actually running this on our build server. at most it should only be one ../.
Any help on where to start?
I have a bunch of projects in my stream. I click on the main top level project and select export and "Ant buildfile".
What this does is create a build.xml file in all projects. Now when it comes to using the top level build.xml in my build definition it seems via numerous erros that the paths are incorrect. I do not know how to change it.
for example:
property environment="env"/>
property name="ECLIPSE_HOME" value="../../../../IBM/TeamConcert"/>
property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars"/>
property name="target" value="1.5"/>
property name="source" value="1.5"/>
path id="Plug-in Dependencies.libraryclasspath">
pathelement location="../../../../org.eclipse.core.runtime"/>
pathelement location="../../../../org.eclipse.o
You can see that the pathelement & Eclipse_home are using ../../../../, which is completely incorrect as to when it comes actually running this on our build server. at most it should only be one ../.
Any help on where to start?