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Progmmatic creation of parent links

Russell Norlund (17221724) | asked Nov 16 '11, 3:37 a.m.
Hi Folks, is it possible to create an operation advisor that can create a link to a parent given that the child work item as access to the Parents Work Item ID.

Kind Regards


4 answers

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Andrea Ianni (1611916) | answered Nov 16 '11, 4:38 a.m.
Hi Russell,
you can try to read this guide:


Hi Folks, is it possible to create an operation advisor that can create a link to a parent given that the child work item as access to the Parents Work Item ID.

Kind Regards


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Russell Norlund (17221724) | answered Nov 16 '11, 8:57 a.m.
Hi Andrea, thanks for the info. The documentation says that the article relates to RTC V1 and V2 is this document still relevant for Version 3.0?

Hi Russell,
you can try to read this guide:


Hi Folks, is it possible to create an operation advisor that can create a link to a parent given that the child work item as access to the Parents Work Item ID.

Kind Regards


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Andrea Ianni (1611916) | answered Nov 16 '11, 10:36 a.m.
Hi Russell,
I do not know if the guide still relevant for 3.0 because I installed the RTC today.

I hope that all works fine because I used this code for a custom follow up action.


Hi Andrea, thanks for the info. The documentation says that the article relates to RTC V1 and V2 is this document still relevant for Version 3.0?

Hi Russell,
you can try to read this guide:


Hi Folks, is it possible to create an operation advisor that can create a link to a parent given that the child work item as access to the Parents Work Item ID.

Kind Regards


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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 16 '11, 11:01 a.m.
sure... see my full precondition advisor in topic

you of course have to figure out if the link to the parent is missing when the conditions you identify are met, and then create a link.. (which means u have to create two references and join them, as I understand links.)


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