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Importing CQ records into RTC

Saurabh Malhotra (15231617) | asked Nov 02 '11, 2:26 p.m.
I am having problems mapping the priority field.

Here is how it looks in the exported CQ xml file:


The mapping that I have for priority looks like this:

<attribute sourceId="Business_Priority" targetId=""/>

<attributeType targetId="priority">
<value sourceId="1-Urgent" targetId="priority.literal.111" />
<value sourceId="2-High" targetId="priority.literal.111" />
<value sourceId="3-Medium" targetId="priority.literal.107"/>
<value sourceId="4-Low" targetId="priority.literal.l02" />
<value sourceId="" targetId="priority.literal.l01" />

The code from the process configuration source:

<enumeration attributeTypeId="priority" name="Priority">

<literal default="true" icon="processattachment:/enumeration/unassigned.gif" id="priority.literal.l01" name="Unassigned"/>
<literal icon="processattachment:/enumeration/low.gif" id="priority.literal.l02" name="Low"/>
<literal icon="processattachment:/enumeration/medium.gif" id="priority.literal.l07" name="Medium"/>
<literal icon="processattachment:/enumeration/high.gif" id="priority.literal.l11" name="High"/>

However when I do the import the value for priority actually ends up with "priority.literal." instead of the actual named value like low high etc. I have the severity working fine and can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


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Saurabh Malhotra (15231617) | answered Nov 02 '11, 4:31 p.m.
I figured out the issue. What a strange thing it was!

If you notice the id numbers for priority are actually l01, l02, l07, l11 and not 101, 102, 107, 111 like I was thinking initially. Posting them as code also hid the issue on the forum...

I couldn't tell the lower case L and 1 apart in notepad / wordpad. When I copy and pasted it worked and I was even more confused! Finally figured it out... troubleshooting is so much fun!! :)

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