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How can I define my file formats (outside of Eclipse)?

Maggie Stearns (1063027) | asked Oct 27 '11, 11:22 a.m.

We are using RTC3.0 iFix1.

We have discovered that only the ".c" files have the property "Line
Delimiter" set to "Platform". This is an RTC default.

We need to define other filetypes (like *.cfg, *.h) to have this same
format set.

I do not want to ask each developer to modify their eclipse settings,
since this is error prone.

How else can I set this settings globally? (maybe like we do for the ignore files?).


3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 27 '11, 9:51 p.m.
This has been requested in work item item 127608.
Please add a comment there to indicate your interest/support (it
currently is marked as "inactive", so we'd need visible support from the
community in order to bump it out of that state).


On 10/27/2011 11:23 AM, mstearns wrote:

We are using RTC3.0 iFix1.

We have discovered that only the ".c" files have the
property "Line
Delimiter" set to "Platform". This is an RTC default.

We need to define other filetypes (like *.cfg, *.h) to have this same

format set.

I do not want to ask each developer to modify their eclipse settings,

since this is error prone.

How else can I set this settings globally? (maybe like we do for the
ignore files?).


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Ulrich Eckhardt (23612223) | answered Oct 28 '11, 7:11 a.m.
Just wondering, is the line delimiter a client-side configuration? In other words, is it a configuration of the RTC Eclipse client how certain files should be treated? I would have expected that this is a property that is attached to the file and that it is versioned like any other property, similarly to Subversion's "svn:eol-style" property.


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 28 '11, 9:13 a.m.
The line delimiter of a file that is under version control is a
version-controlled property in the RTC repository. The part that is a
client-side configuration is the rule that specifies what the line
delimiter should be for a new file being put under version control for
the first time.

The referenced work item requests that these rules be something that can
be automatically retrieved by the RTC plug-in. Note that you can do
this manually today by putting the Eclipse preferences file under
version control, and remembering to download that file and import it
into your new Eclipse workspaces ... automating that process is what the
work item is about.


On 10/28/2011 7:23 AM, ulricheckhardt wrote:
Just wondering, is the line delimiter a client-side configuration? In
other words, is it a configuration of the RTC Eclipse client how
certain files should be treated? I would have expected that this is a
property that is attached to the file and that it is versioned like
any other property, similarly to Subversion's
"svn:eol-style" property.


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