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Possible to see if someone is working on a file ?

Christophe Lucas (86234948) | asked Oct 27 '11, 6:34 a.m.
By using the Pending changes view, you can see what is incoming from other streams or workspaces by selecting/changing your current 'flow target'.

Is it possible to make a search on 1 given file and see if this file is currently part of any change set in any other repository workspace ?
(this could 'avoid' beforehand potential conflict/merge. Not talking about the File 'Lock' option here).


2 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Oct 27 '11, 9:01 a.m.
By using the Pending changes view, you can see what is incoming from other streams or workspaces by selecting/changing your current 'flow target'.

Is it possible to make a search on 1 given file and see if this file is currently part of any change set in any other repository workspace ?
(this could 'avoid' beforehand potential conflict/merge. Not talking about the File 'Lock' option here).

You can show history on the file and click on the Show All in Repository button. It will search the repository for other change sets that include the file. Or Search > Jazz Source Control > Change Sets and specify the file with the Browse option. However, it doesn't identify someone that is working on the file and still has to check in the change.

It would be safer to lock the file. If someone chooses to work on a file locked by another user, it'll be likely that a merge will occur.

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Oct 27 '11, 12:59 p.m.
Thanks Tim, just what I was looking for.

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