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Queries with custom fields don't work

daniel blazewicz (1121) | asked May 28 '09, 9:05 a.m.

If I try to build a query with an AND-group containing 2 Custom fields, no work-items are returned, even though there exist items satisfying query criteria. It is most likely caused by the fact that the fields are custom and not built-in.

Is it possible to solve somehow this problem?

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered May 31 '09, 8:27 a.m.
If I try to build a query with an AND-group containing 2 Custom
fields, no work-items are returned, even though there exist items
satisfying query criteria. It is most likely caused by the fact that
the fields are custom and not built-in.

Is it possible to solve somehow this problem?

This was a limitation in 1.X. In 2.0, this restriction was lifted and
these queries work as expected.

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