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Dashes in scm status flags

Nagesh Subrahmanyam (771211) | asked Oct 12 '11, 12:47 p.m.
The command to list status always shows status with dashes and the status flags as described in this table.

nsubrahm@nsubrahm:~/WMB-Build$ scm pc 

Workspace: (1011) "nsubrahm" <-> (1001) "Stream_DEVELOPMENT_001"
Component: (1025) "RTCTEST" <-> (1001) "Stream_DEVELOPMENT_001"
Baseline: (1026) 1 "Initial Baseline"
Change sets:
(1035) *--@ "Share projects"

What do those dashes mean ? And, can the characters for status flags come at any position of the four dashes ? That is, for the changeset 1035 above, can the status be ever reported as --*@ ?

2 answers

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Oct 13 '11, 1:36 a.m.
>> for the changeset 1035 above, can the status be ever reported as --*@ ?
No. Each status flag position signifies a certain state of the changeset.

In the change set status flags, first flag '*' indicates that the change set is current. If the change set is not current we put a '-' indicating not current. Similarly, second flag is for conflict '!' or '-', third flag is for potential conflict '#' or '-' and the last flag is whether the change set is active or complete '@' or '$'. Effectively '-' means no information to display for that state. The information about these flags are at this link...

The command to list status always shows status with dashes and the status flags as described in this table.

nsubrahm@nsubrahm:~/WMB-Build$ scm pc 

Workspace: (1011) "nsubrahm" <-> (1001) "Stream_DEVELOPMENT_001"
Component: (1025) "RTCTEST" <-> (1001) "Stream_DEVELOPMENT_001"
Baseline: (1026) 1 "Initial Baseline"
Change sets:
(1035) *--@ "Share projects"

What do those dashes mean ? And, can the characters for status flags come at any position of the four dashes ? That is, for the changeset 1035 above, can the status be ever reported as --*@ ?

Erik anderson commented Dec 18 '12, 2:03 p.m.

The link to the infocenter doesn't say anything about the flags being positional (useful information that should be added IMO) and the information you provided is for Change Sets.  What about the status flags for Changes: and Conflicts:?

C:\tools\MergeSandbox> scm.exe status -C -B
Workspace: (2374) "EST 1.0 Stream_EST 2.0 Stream_scm_merge" <-> (2375) "EST 2.0>
  Component: (2369) "SCM Component" <-> (2375) "EST 2.0 Stream"
    Baseline: (2376) 2 "snap1"
      Cc- /felement.xml (Modified <-> Modified)
      Change sets:
        (2371)  --#$ Erik N. Anderson <No comment>
            -#-c- \felement.xml

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Nagesh Subrahmanyam (771211) | answered Oct 13 '11, 5:45 a.m.
Thanks !

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