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Set of Changed files for iteration

Jeremy Kalinowski (611) | asked Mar 11 '12, 10:10 p.m.
I have iteration plans that are by dates and I wanted to have a way to query the changes to the project for that iteration. The only way I have found doesn't make it easy to run for just the planned iteration. Any suggestions would be great.

2 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 11 '12, 10:56 p.m.
Changes are applied to streams, not iterations. But if you have a particular stream associated with the iteration (which is common), then you can query that stream for all of the changes that have been applied to that stream between the begin and end dates of that iteration.


I have iteration plans that are by dates and I wanted to have a way to query the changes to the project for that iteration. The only way I have found doesn't make it easy to run for just the planned iteration. Any suggestions would be great.

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Jeremy Kalinowski (611) | answered Mar 11 '12, 11:49 p.m.
I realize that you can see the change sets but then you must drill down into each change set to see the actual changes. I found that you could also retrieve the repo files from changes by clicking all the ones you want and getting the files but I wanted to know if there was a query that could do this for me. This also doesn't take into considerations the full repo but just the components in it. Say you had more than one component, you would then need to click through for each one, no?

Changes are applied to streams, not iterations. But if you have a particular stream associated with the iteration (which is common), then you can query that stream for all of the changes that have been applied to that stream between the begin and end dates of that iteration.

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