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RTC on Windows Server 2008 64-bit R2 virtual machine

Milan Krivic (98012175142) | asked Oct 04 '11, 12:05 p.m.

Does anyone have some experience with installing CLM 3.0.1 on
Windows Server 2008 64-bit R2 Enterprise, Service Pack 1 with VMWare product and using DB2 9.7 ESE for database vendor, and WAS 7.0 for application server, both 64-bit software?

Or maybe some similar experience?

Because we have problems with memory leak using CLM applications (jazz.war) on WAS. Application fails to release memory when no longer needed. Over time, memory leaks affect the performance of both the particular application.

Any reply, advice or answer would be appreciated.


3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.2k33646) | answered Oct 05 '11, 4:44 a.m.
Hi Milan,

we used a similar setup (different DB2 version) for the upgrade workshop but obviously we were not running a real project and did not look into memory leakages.

If you think there is a memory leak, please consider to open a work item for that and help us to find the root cause. It might affect other users as well.

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Milan Krivic (98012175142) | answered Oct 05 '11, 7:28 a.m.
Hi Milan,

we used a similar setup (different DB2 version) for the upgrade workshop but obviously we were not running a real project and did not look into memory leakages.

If you think there is a memory leak, please consider to open a work item for that and help us to find the root cause. It might affect other users as well.

Hi rschoon,

I have already opened work item against this issue:


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Ralph Schoon (63.2k33646) | answered Oct 05 '11, 7:44 a.m.
Thanks Milan!

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