The search function is not good enough for this forum
I want to search e.g. any post related to export and import project assets in RTC.
1. I can't just put key words like "export import project" (like in Google) and expect the forum give me what I want. It seems search only on single word, so a search of "export import project" will give you everything has export, everything has import and everything has project. Am I right?
2. I can search a phrase, yes, but normally we don't know the exact phrase other people use.
Anyone can give me some idea on how to make my search more efficient in this forum.
I want to search e.g. any post related to export and import project assets in RTC.
1. I can't just put key words like "export import project" (like in Google) and expect the forum give me what I want. It seems search only on single word, so a search of "export import project" will give you everything has export, everything has import and everything has project. Am I right?
2. I can search a phrase, yes, but normally we don't know the exact phrase other people use.
Anyone can give me some idea on how to make my search more efficient in this forum.
4 answers
1. Make sure the radio button "Search for all terms" is selected under your search textbox, that should return results for posts containing all keywords.
2. Don't need to search a phrase.
As a tip, I sometimes use google to search the public content on (library, forums, blogs) by restricting the search to
' export import project'
hope this helped.
1. Make sure the radio button "Search for all terms" is selected under your search textbox, that should return results for posts containing all keywords.
2. Don't need to search a phrase.
As a tip, I sometimes use google to search the public content on (library, forums, blogs) by restricting the search to
' export import project'
hope this helped.