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For Work Item Categories issues

Xue Qin Tang (7153) | asked Sep 28 '11, 11:32 p.m.
We set up a new 2.01 RTC server, but when connecting to the server, in Work Item Categories area, we can not find Associated Project/Team area. How to configure to let it show?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 29 '11, 3:26 a.m.
We set up a new 2.01 RTC server, but when connecting to the server, in Work Item Categories area, we can not find Associated Project/Team area. How to configure to let it show?


I am not sure if I am missing something here. In general when creating a project you have to specify team areas, timelines and categories. You can can create and edit work item categories in the Eclipse client in the process configuration (right click the project and open) on its own tab.

You can also manage the categories in the Web UI. go to the Administration menu right to your profile menu in the right upper corner. Select Manage Project Areas and select the Categories tab.

See for more details.

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Xue Qin Tang (7153) | answered Sep 29 '11, 5:07 a.m.
Thanks for your guide. We found that Associated Project/Team area shows after associating a team area with timeline.

We set up a new 2.01 RTC server, but when connecting to the server, in Work Item Categories area, we can not find Associated Project/Team area. How to configure to let it show?


I am not sure if I am missing something here. In general when creating a project you have to specify team areas, timelines and categories. You can can create and edit work item categories in the Eclipse client in the process configuration (right click the project and open) on its own tab.

You can also manage the categories in the Web UI. go to the Administration menu right to your profile menu in the right upper corner. Select Manage Project Areas and select the Categories tab.

See for more details.

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