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Base CC Importor: why "Locked ClearCase Label Type Sele

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Sep 23 '11, 2:55 p.m.

I don't understand the purpose of this "Locked ClearCase Label Type Selector" in the first screenshot below.

Let's say, I want to import all files in 3 labels, "REL1", "REL2", and "REL3". So I have three label types, "REL1", "REL2", and "REL3", and I attached a "LabelHistoryImportor" to the above label types with a value 1,2,3.

1. Then in this "Locked ClearCase Label Type Selector", shouldn't I put in three, instead of one?
2. Then in the later step, Select Files to Import, we specified the attribute attached to these labels. So why we need to specify "Locked ClearCase Label Type Selector" in step1?!

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 23 '11, 3:56 p.m.
This is usability bug in the CC Synchronizer wizard.
When you have selected "import with history", it should be asking you
for the attribute type, not the label type selector.

Instead, what it is doing is asking you for the first label here, and
then you specify the rest of the labels via the attribute type, later on
in the "select files to synchronize" wizard.

There is a work item to get this cleaned up, but it hasn't made it to
the top of the queue yet.


For those interested in a detailed explanation: The usability bug
results from this wizard trying to use the same screen for "2-way sync"
and "import-with-history" (depending on whether or not you checked the
"import with history" checkbox). For import-with-history, there is no
branch (which is why the branch type selector is greyed out), but it
still says "Import from an existing Base ClearCase branch" (it should
say something like "Import a series of labels"). And it should ask for
the attribute that identifies the series of labels here (not in the
"select files to sync" wizard), not just for the first label.

On 9/23/2011 3:23 PM, hujirong wrote:

I don't understand the purpose of this "Locked ClearCase Label
Type Selector" in the first screenshot below.

Let's say, I want to import all files in 3 labels, "REL1",
"REL2", and "REL3". So I have three label types,
"REL1", "REL2", and "REL3", and I
attached a "LabelHistoryImportor" to the above label types
with a value 1,2,3.

1. Then in this "Locked ClearCase Label Type Selector",
shouldn't I put in three, instead of one?
2. Then in the later step, Select Files to Import, we specified the
attribute attached to these labels. So why we need to specify
"Locked ClearCase Label Type Selector" in step1?!

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