Project Area Releases in Java API

2 answers

Hi, Can anyone please help with getting the list of Releases in a project area in the api (client or server). Specifically, I would like to get the build result name (Artifact column) for a Release. Thanks
It looks like I should have been searching for 'deliverable', so different question now....
for my custom field which lists the release (ie. deliverables), i have this to get the value
IDeliverableHandle deliverableHandle = (IDeliverableHandle) attribute.getValue(auditable, workItem, monitor);
but this returns an IDeliverableHandle. How do I get the actual IDeliverable object (from which I can get its name) with this?
and when I do get the name....
IDeliverable deliverable = (IDeliverable) workItemService.findDeliverableByName(projectAreaHandle,
IItemHandle artifact = deliverable.getArtifact();
2nd do i get the artifact name?

Hi, Can anyone please help with getting the list of Releases in a project area in the api (client or server). Specifically, I would like to get the build result name (Artifact column) for a Release. Thanks
this is what I did:
List<IDeliverable> deliverables = workItemCommon.findDeliverablesByProjectArea(projectArea, true, IDeliverable.FULL_PROFILE, monitor);
for (IDeliverable deliv : deliverables) {