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How to dispaly multiple Team Areas in Team Artifacts view?

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Jun 30 '08, 1:18 a.m.
If a user belongs to multiple team areas in a project area, how to display all of them in the view "Team Artifacts"? Thanks.

One answer

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Kai-Uwe Maetzel (85611) | answered Jun 30 '08, 1:26 p.m.
They all show in the 'My Team Areas' section. Also, the Team Artifacts
view (TAN) allows for filter settings (filter action in the view's
toolbar). 'All team areas' and 'All my team areas' are predefined filter
settings. A custom filter can also be defined.

Jazz Process Team

gdang wrote:
If a user belongs to multiple team areas in a project area, how to
display all of them in the view "Team Artifacts"? Thanks.

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