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Changing the state of a task that has been set to Invalid...

Ira Weinstein (6143) | asked Sep 08 '11, 12:55 p.m.
A task was marked invalid by mistake. We wish to change it back to New. How do we do it? The tool needs to be forgiving of normal human mistakes...

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Oct 19 '11, 12:15 p.m.
This can be simply fixed inside your RTC project. I suggested opening a work item so that future versions of RTC can improve the lifecycle of scrum -- but there is no need to wait for that.

Note - if the image is cropped, please click this link to see the full picture:

1. Click "Manage this Project area" while in a particular scrum project you want to fix
2. Click the work items tab
3. Click the workflow link on the left hand side
4. Select the "User Story Workflow" from the dropdown
5. In the state matrix - notice how the Invalid state has no transitions to any other state. We need to add a transition from Invalid back to New. So select this dropdown and select "Reopen" action.
6. Make sure you save this process by clicking the save button

You can perform this same modification on the default scrum template so that all future Scrum based processes have this fix. I hope this helps!
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

3 other answers

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Sep 08 '11, 1:23 p.m.
A task was marked invalid by mistake. We wish to change it back to New. How do we do it? The tool needs to be forgiving of normal human mistakes...

I agree. It appears you are using the Scrum template. The default workflow for a Story card in the Scrum template is that if it gets marked as "Reject" there is no transition to any other states from the "Invalid" state. This seems unnecessarily restrictive by default.

In order to fix this, you will need to modify the Scrum story card work flow. From the web UI, navigate to the project's administration page. On this page, you should see a tab link to "Work items". There should be a navigation link on the left hand side of this pane for "Workflows". In the Workflow pane, you should see a dropdown and can select "User Story Workflow".

Find the row "Invalid" and look right for where it meets up with the column for "New" . Click this dropdown and select "Reopen". Save this workflow.

You should now be able to "Reopen" work items which have been put in the "Invalid" state. This should send the work item back to the "New" state.

I think this is worthy of a work item -- would you like to submit one?

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Ira Weinstein (6143) | answered Oct 19 '11, 11:03 a.m.
A defect was created on September 8th; so far no response...

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Kanagasabapathi R (17314) | answered Dec 27 '18, 7:44 a.m.
edited Dec 27 '18, 7:44 a.m.

Is the defect ID:176651 already got fixed ? we also faced the same issue in our environment in CLM 6.0.6 iFix003. Could you please let me know which CLM version is the fix available ?

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