RQM - RRC integration. Error when saving a link
We have migrated to RQM/RRC/RTC ver 3.01.
The integration between new test cases (created in RQM 3.0.1) and requirements in RRC is working well.
However when we try to link one of the old test cases (created in RQM 2.0.1) to a requirement in RRC we receive an error during the save operation.
Error: Unable to load /jazz/proxy?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com%3A9443%2Frdm%2Fresources%2Frrc734 status:403
Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this?
Thanks in advance
Claus Hjerrild Pedersen
The integration between new test cases (created in RQM 3.0.1) and requirements in RRC is working well.
However when we try to link one of the old test cases (created in RQM 2.0.1) to a requirement in RRC we receive an error during the save operation.
Error: Unable to load /jazz/proxy?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com%3A9443%2Frdm%2Fresources%2Frrc734 status:403
Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this?
Thanks in advance
Claus Hjerrild Pedersen
5 answers
Try footnote 2 in https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#Resources_and_their_Supported_Op.
Hi Paul
Thank you for the link.
The problem however has not been solved.
We have followed the advice in footnote 2.
The RQM project area has a "uses and requirements" association to the RRC project area.
We have now replaced the ADMIN user in The advanced server configuration properties with another user.
Do we have to restart the server before the changes work?
A restart shouldn't be required.
Can you access https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/rrc734 in your browser?
Is there any other errors in your system log (see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#Logging_Messages)?
No problem accessing https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/rrc734
It seems as if the problem only exists when we have a situation where the testcase originally have been created in RQM 2.0. When I create a new test case in RQM 3.0.1. I have no problem linking it to requirements in RRC.
The system log gives this warning:
WARN - https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE483...9. september 2011 13:56https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE4837tXETQ/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestCase/_3HXfUdebEeC02I6weD3ORw(line (https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE4837tXETQ/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestCase/_3HXfUdebEeC02I6weD3ORw%28line) 15 column 215): {W108} Not an XML Name: 'https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/_4LIw2tUnEeCZDvDZwZlVdA' (https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/_4LIw2tUnEeCZDvDZwZlVdA%27)
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.RDFDefaultErrorHandler.warning(RDFDefaultErrorHandler.java:36)WARN - https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE483...9. september 2011 13:54https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE4837tXETQ/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestPlan/_gj5qsNUwEeCrAMudhvQ2yw(line (https://dkrskdrqm723.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/contexts/_tnnW8JFGEd6jE4837tXETQ/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestPlan/_gj5qsNUwEeCrAMudhvQ2yw%28line) 28 column 191): {W108} Not an XML Name: 'https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/rrc794' (https://dkrskdrrc757.rsk.dk.ibm.com:9443/rdm/resources/rrc794%27)
Regards, Claus