RDM support for RSA behaviour
So I've got a model that uses default diagram behaviour within RSA to support navigation through a heirachical model by the reader. This is extremely important in representing systems-of-systems in UML. Currently RDM defaults the behaviour to opening the properties of a UML element. Is it/will it be possible for IBM to enable a setting that would allow the user to navigate to an elements default diagram by double clicking on the element, or some other such hot key? I am not sure if RDM even persists diagram relationships as part of the model.
So I've got a model that uses default diagram behaviour within RSA to support navigation through a heirachical model by the reader. This is extremely important in representing systems-of-systems in UML. Currently RDM defaults the behaviour to opening the properties of a UML element. Is it/will it be possible for IBM to enable a setting that would allow the user to navigate to an elements default diagram by double clicking on the element, or some other such hot key? I am not sure if RDM even persists diagram relationships as part of the model.
One answer
Thanks for the feedback!
This idea would be great to log as an enhancement for the team to consider in a future release.
Can you please go to https://jazzdev04.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz04/web/projects/Design%20Management#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWelcome and create an Enhancement?
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This idea would be great to log as an enhancement for the team to consider in a future release.
Can you please go to https://jazzdev04.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz04/web/projects/Design%20Management#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWelcome and create an Enhancement?
Here's how:
1. From the Work Items menu, choose Enhancement
2. Enter a summary and description.
3. Choose "Customer Use" for How Found so the request stands out as a customer request.
4. Choose "DM Web Client" for Filed Against.
After you save, you'll get notified of any progress on your request.
You can create an enhancement for any other Design Management needs or ideas you have.