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Timesheet report from RTCV3.0.1 (Out-of-box) not available?

Fatima Thoumprathom (322) | asked Aug 16 '11, 3:14 a.m.
I am looking for the out-of-the-box report Time Sheet on each employee.
Previously been advised that the report will be available on RTC V3.0.1 via RRDI.

However, have came across the information below;

Seem the Timesheet report are no longer in plan for delivery?
Could you please advice what have made the plan to be changed?
The report is too complex or priority is low?

Is there any other different approaches planned to deliver the time sheet information instead of via RRDI?

Though there may be no out-of-the-box report, would there be any guide document on how to create such the time sheet from RTC V3.0.1 via RRDI?

Thanks in advance

3 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Sep 03 '11, 1:22 p.m.
The timesheet information is not stored in the data warehouse yet.

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Yoshihisa Komai (3002422) | answered Sep 06 '11, 5:22 a.m.
The timesheet information is not stored in the data warehouse yet.

Please let me clarify your answer.

"The timesheet information is not stored in the data warehouse yet.", which means report of Timesheet is not able to be created with RRDI?

In this link,
it is mentioned that reports of Timesheet are not provided as out-of-the-boxs report.

But, it is also indicated that reports of Timesheet such as "Timesheet Detail by Employee" and etc are "Implemented In RRDI", which sounds like reports of Timesheet are able to be created with RRDI.

So I want to make it clear what your answer means.

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Gayathri Vikraman (6611210) | answered Jun 08 '12, 1:24 a.m.
Hi Yoshihisa

              Is it possible to create this report in RTC V3.0 using BIRT? Mine is a commertial project and we have very limitted possibility to upgrade the tool to v3.0.1 and getting RRDI as we have already bought INSIGHT eventhough it is not yet implemented. Please advice is it possible to have this report created in RTC V3.0 either using BIRT or INSIGHT or do we need to upgrade RTC to 3.0.1 and use RRDI to get this report created?

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