RTC properties to use in ANT XML build script
6 answers
Hi Ramona,
yes. The official documentation for RTC 3.0 lists both the build properties you can use and the build ant tasks available.
- Arne
yes. The official documentation for RTC 3.0 lists both the build properties you can use and the build ant tasks available.
- Arne
Hi Ramona,
the build toolkit is used for any kind of RTC build, to communicate between the build process and the build result object. The build toolkit happens to be ANT based but the software being build does not have to be Java and the build process itself also does not have to be ANT based. In fact, you can build C#, Cobol or RPG sources from Rational Team Concert, also interacting with the build object by means of the build toolkit.
RTC supports
* IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR6 +
* IBM Java SDK 5.0 SR11 +
* Sun Java JRE 1.6 Update 17 +
* Sun Java JRE 1.5 Update 16 +
(see system requirements) which means you need one of these for the build toolkit to run, or to start the build engine. The actual build of your software is a different story - it will start whatever you have specified in the build definition and require whatever that requires.
- Arne
the build toolkit is used for any kind of RTC build, to communicate between the build process and the build result object. The build toolkit happens to be ANT based but the software being build does not have to be Java and the build process itself also does not have to be ANT based. In fact, you can build C#, Cobol or RPG sources from Rational Team Concert, also interacting with the build object by means of the build toolkit.
RTC supports
* IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR6 +
* IBM Java SDK 5.0 SR11 +
* Sun Java JRE 1.6 Update 17 +
* Sun Java JRE 1.5 Update 16 +
(see system requirements) which means you need one of these for the build toolkit to run, or to start the build engine. The actual build of your software is a different story - it will start whatever you have specified in the build definition and require whatever that requires.
- Arne
Hi Ramona,
Be sure to take a look at the build examples on the jazz.net wiki. They are a good introduction to the topic.
- Arne
Be sure to take a look at the build examples on the jazz.net wiki. They are a good introduction to the topic.
- Arne
Hi Arne,
I don't know if you're still there.
My next question is more complex.
In our old CVS world, we tag a version of our application and use that tag to load the workspace and build for each environment - development, system test, UAT, production and training.
We have ahome grown CVS build server that allows us just to choose the tag and the environment(s) and perform the build with the click of a button. We are a small group and we don't have a build manager. We each do our own builds and the CVS tag is key to controlling what is delivered ( along with some sensible precautions).
I know that with RTC the approach may need to be different. I was hoping there would be some way to tell my build definition/ant file which snapshot or baseline to load into the workspace prior to a build.
Is there a way to do that,or do I need to change my paradigm ?
thanks for all your help, Ramona
I don't know if you're still there.
My next question is more complex.
In our old CVS world, we tag a version of our application and use that tag to load the workspace and build for each environment - development, system test, UAT, production and training.
We have a
I know that with RTC the approach may need to be different. I was hoping there would be some way to tell my build definition/ant file which snapshot or baseline to load into the workspace prior to a build.
Is there a way to do that,
thanks for all your help, Ramona