Special notification template variables
2 answers
Can I define the Special notification template variables by myself?
For example, I want to add a variable "history", and assign a value general by a project's step to it, then add the ${history} to notification template, so that I can see the value I want from email.
You can reference environment variables (ones defined by you as well as standard system variables) in notification templates, as long as you use the ${VAR} syntax.
You can also include register variables for a project in notification templates.
Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead
How about the use of the "From" field. Leaving the field blank will send email from "Build Forge".
We would like to plug in $BF_USER_EMAIL, since we want the email to be sent from the user executing the build forge project.
However, our attempt at putting in a Build forge variable doesn't work.
thank you,
We would like to plug in $BF_USER_EMAIL, since we want the email to be sent from the user executing the build forge project.
However, our attempt at putting in a Build forge variable doesn't work.
thank you,