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RTC V3 , eclipse client on Linux (OpenSuse) error on Build

Jorge Nagasaki (17512217) | asked Jul 21 '11, 5:18 p.m.
I am trying to run a BUILD Request in eclipse client (OpenSuse 11.3), and I am having an popup of error window , with MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME...

1) I got a first error saying that the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME variable is not set.
So I dig at the forums and internet and find out that I should set an environment variable pointing to xulrunner...
so I did it setting export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib64/xulrunner-1.9.2
and also:
and now when I try again:
2) I m getting the popup error message saying:
Error logged from Process Client UI:
No more handles (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
/home/ibmsys1/.eclipse/ ( wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
swt-mozilla-gtk (Not found in java.library.path)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ ( wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ (/tmp/swtlib-32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
looks like I am still missing something .

2 answers

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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Jul 22 '11, 1:22 p.m.
I am trying to run a BUILD Request in eclipse client (OpenSuse 11.3), and I am having an popup of error window , with MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME...

1) I got a first error saying that the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME variable is not set.
So I dig at the forums and internet and find out that I should set an environment variable pointing to xulrunner...
so I did it setting export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib64/xulrunner-1.9.2
and also:
and now when I try again:
2) I m getting the popup error message saying:
Error logged from Process Client UI:
No more handles (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
/home/ibmsys1/.eclipse/ ( wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
swt-mozilla-gtk (Not found in java.library.path)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ ( wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ (/tmp/swtlib-32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
looks like I am still missing something .


I don't know what's happening with your Eclipse client, but did want to mention that you can submit build requests through the Web UI.

Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead

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Jorge Nagasaki (17512217) | answered Jul 22 '11, 5:40 p.m.
Problem SOLVED... !!
Thanks.. apparently the eclipse in RDz is not compatible with 64 bit xulrunner.. I installed 32 bit version o xulrunner and the problem was gone.

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