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Error - not authorized to access the Web UI

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Jul 15 '11, 5:48 p.m.
"Error fetching change set: Your account does not belong to the groups that are authorized to access the Web UI. Please contact your server administrator. - Error code 403"

I saw the other thread on this error but it went in the direction of LDAP issues. We are not using LDAP. We create new users from scratch in RTC.

Help! This crazy error is killing us! We want the check that results in this error to go away. EVERYONE who has a login should have access to the web UI. If they can do something in Eclipse, they should be able to do it in the web UI. We do not want to restrict the web UI.

Some users get the error and some don't. The users that get the error get it on specific change sets and not on others! Permissions don't seem to matter. I have gotten the error on accounts with "God" access (everything checked in both Permissions areas). The only thing I can do that makes the error go away consistently is to make the person a member of JazzAdmins, which of course is not a solution. ifix5

5 answers

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Aleksey Karlov (76108) | answered Jul 15 '11, 7:18 p.m.
"Error fetching change set: Your account does not belong to the groups that are authorized to access the Web UI. Please contact your server administrator. - Error code 403"

I saw the other thread on this error but it went in the direction of LDAP issues. We are not using LDAP. We create new users from scratch in RTC.

Help! This crazy error is killing us! We want the check that results in this error to go away. EVERYONE who has a login should have access to the web UI. If they can do something in Eclipse, they should be able to do it in the web UI. We do not want to restrict the web UI.

Some users get the error and some don't. The users that get the error get it on specific change sets and not on others! Permissions don't seem to matter. I have gotten the error on accounts with "God" access (everything checked in both Permissions areas). The only thing I can do that makes the error go away consistently is to make the person a member of JazzAdmins, which of course is not a solution. ifix5

I would check Repository permissions and Client Access License in User Management. Then I would check Team Process role and if use owner of the items in the plan.

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Andy Wong (3133) | answered Jul 15 '11, 9:14 p.m.
Hey Mike,

Few clarifications and questions

1. The user experience this error, it is consistence that she/he always get this error, no matter login via WEBUI or eclipse client?

2. Can you provide the following:
B. Database
C. Browser Version
D. App Server

3. You mentioned about fetching change set in the error, it sounds like the user was able to login to RTC, but only when they try to access SCM component of RTC? (ie: They can work with WorkItems, plans etc..)


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Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | answered Jul 19 '11, 1:06 p.m.
The error is consistent with the same user and the same sequence of events. It is not consistent across different users with the same role/permissions and same team memberships.

All users are members of JazzUsers with Developer licenses. This is not related to Project permissions or Team permissions since the error can occur with someone who has "God" access. I created a Role called "God" and checked all permissions in Project and Team areas for that role.

There have been no problems with work items, only fetching things from SCM. This includes merely viewing a stored document. In all cases the action prevented in the web UI is allowed in Eclipse with the same user.

OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Browser: tried several with same result, including Firefox 4, IE8, and Chrome
DB: Derby JDBC SQL Server
App Server: Tomcat

Again, since we want everyone to have access to the web UI, we want the check that results in this error to go away completely. We don't really care why the web UI check is flagging things - we want to skip the check entirely.

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Andy Wong (3133) | answered Jul 21 '11, 9:07 a.m.
This does sounds strange!

As initially I was thinking it might be some issue with integrity of the database / Indexes.

But since you mentioned that it only happen in Web UI, but does not happen on the Eclipse client for the same user, performing the same sequence of events. So it would mostly not be the integrity of the DB or indexes. As both Web UI and Eclipse client communicate via https. However, it may be that Web UI has different set of codes base, under certain circumstance experience this issue you facing.

The only suggestion that I have is to run repotools and -verify option to check the database. (check the RTC information Center on this command)

Note: This will require shutdown the database, make sure you make backup first before you do this.

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kabilan saravanabava (2144) | answered Aug 22 '11, 4:46 a.m.

I am also facing the similar issue with one of my user. Is there any solution for it..? Your reply is very much appreciated. Thanks..!

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