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Running OSGI- FriendsService: failed during activation

I'm using the OSGI/embedded Jetty server to test Jazz components but from time to time I'm running into the following errors upon starting the OSGI console:
-com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.FriendsService" failed during activation.
Caused by:
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.DVFactoryException: DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does not extend from DTDDVFactory.
Does anyone know what's happening?
Thank you
I'm using the OSGI/embedded Jetty server to test Jazz components but from time to time I'm running into the following errors upon starting the OSGI console:
-com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.FriendsService" failed during activation.
Caused by:
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.DVFactoryException: DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does not extend from DTDDVFactory.
Does anyone know what's happening?
Thank you
5 answers

Try adding these VM arguments to your launch:
-Dosgi.compatibility.bootdelegation=false -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.*,com.ms.*,com.ibm.*,com.sun.*,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*,javax.*
See https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/88094 for the details.
-Dosgi.compatibility.bootdelegation=false -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.*,com.ms.*,com.ibm.*,com.sun.*,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*,javax.*
See https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/88094 for the details.
I'm using the OSGI/embedded Jetty server to test Jazz components but from time to time I'm running into the following errors upon starting the OSGI console:
-com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.FriendsService" failed during activation.
Caused by:
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.DVFactoryException: DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does not extend from DTDDVFactory.
Does anyone know what's happening?
Thank you

Hi John,
I got the same error message when Run RQM ETL. this can fix the problem in development enviorment, can this be add to the CLM start up file or somewhere else to fix the same issue in the build enviorment?
Thanks in advance!
I got the same error message when Run RQM ETL. this can fix the problem in development enviorment, can this be add to the CLM start up file or somewhere else to fix the same issue in the build enviorment?
Thanks in advance!
Try adding these VM arguments to your launch:
-Dosgi.compatibility.bootdelegation=false -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.*,com.ms.*,com.ibm.*,com.sun.*,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*,javax.*
See https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/88094 for the details.
I'm using the OSGI/embedded Jetty server to test Jazz components but from time to time I'm running into the following errors upon starting the OSGI console:
-com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.FriendsService" failed during activation.
Caused by:
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.DVFactoryException: DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does not extend from DTDDVFactory.
Does anyone know what's happening?
Thank you

Please file a work item against Reporting in the Jazz Foundation project area, with the details of exactly what problem you observed, and what you were trying to do when you observed it.
Hi John,
I got the same error message when Run RQM ETL. this can fix the problem in development enviorment, can this be add to the CLM start up file or somewhere else to fix the same issue in the build enviorment?
Thanks in advance!
Try adding these VM arguments to your launch:
-Dosgi.compatibility.bootdelegation=false -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.*,com.ms.*,com.ibm.*,com.sun.*,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*,javax.*
See https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/88094 for the details.
I'm using the OSGI/embedded Jetty server to test Jazz components but from time to time I'm running into the following errors upon starting the OSGI console:
-com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.FriendsService" failed during activation.
Caused by:
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.DVFactoryException: DTD factory class org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd.DTDDVFactoryImpl does not extend from DTDDVFactory.
Does anyone know what's happening?
Thank you