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Win CE & loading of wrkspace

Jeff Foege (45266960) | asked Jun 30 '11, 5:33 p.m.
So RTC did something I didn't expect. We have a folder for the Windows Embedded project. This folder is the location where we might make modifications to the Embedded OS for our purpose. A developer checked in some updates to the Embedded code and checked in only the folders which were modified. The Embedded code needs to live in c:\winceXXX where XXX is the version. I created a repo workspace and in the advanced options I pointed to the c:\wince700 folder. When I loaded the workspace, RTC removed the other folders that were not under source control.
For example:

All these folders live under the path above:
\common (Under Jazz source control)
\CCXMX51 (Under Jazz source control)

All the children folders of Platform were removed expect for the two that were under source control. Checking this whole folder into RTC doesn't really make sense since it can possibly be over 40gb. I was wondering what I should do here? I expected RTC to replace the two folders that were under source control and leave the others alone.

4 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 30 '11, 10:50 p.m.
I tried this out with the Eclipse 3.0.1 client, and it worked as one
would expect, i.e. left the files that were not under RTC source control
alone, and loaded the files under RTC source control in a folder next to
them. Are you using 3.0.1, and are you using the Eclipse client? And
exactly what operations did you use to load the files? In particular,
when you said "I created a repo workspace and in the advanced options, I
pointed to the c:\wince700 folder", I don't see this as an advanced
option during workspace creation in the Eclipse client ... perhaps you
are using Visual Studio?


On 6/30/2011 5:38 PM, cojeff wrote:
So RTC did something I didn't expect. We have a folder for the Windows
Embedded project. This folder is the location where we might make
modifications to the Embedded OS for our purpose. A developer checked
in some updates to the Embedded code and checked in only the folders
which were modified. The Embedded code needs to live in c:\winceXXX
where XXX is the version. I created a repo workspace and in the
advanced options I pointed to the c:\wince700 folder. When I loaded
the workspace, RTC removed the other folders that were not under
source control.
For example:

All these folders live under the path above:
\common (Under Jazz source control)
\CCXMX51 (Under Jazz source control)

All the children folders of Platform were removed expect for the two
that were under source control. Checking this whole folder into RTC
doesn't really make sense since it can possibly be over 40gb. I was
wondering what I should do here? I expected RTC to replace the two
folders that were under source control and leave the others alone.

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Jeff Foege (45266960) | answered Jul 01 '11, 12:12 p.m.
I tried this out with the Eclipse 3.0.1 client, and it worked as one
would expect, i.e. left the files that were not under RTC source control
alone, and loaded the files under RTC source control in a folder next to
them. Are you using 3.0.1, and are you using the Eclipse client? And
exactly what operations did you use to load the files? In particular,
when you said "I created a repo workspace and in the advanced options, I
pointed to the c:\wince700 folder", I don't see this as an advanced
option during workspace creation in the Eclipse client ... perhaps you
are using Visual Studio?


Thanks Geoff! Unfortunately I'm stuck using the RTC Client iFix6 for the time being. It definately deletes the other folders. Its good to know that this is fixed in 3.0.1.

The second dialog to load a repo workspace where you can select which folders to load gives you an option to change the sandbox path. I gave it a c:\wince700 path. Then the platform folder would load beneath it.

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Jeff Foege (45266960) | answered Jul 01 '11, 12:38 p.m.
I did find a work around. For other folders that we don't want under source control we can use the jazzignore file. Then when I load folders it will ignore ones not under source control. The only problem with this approach is if we want to make changes to a folder we are ignoring then we will have to first edit the jazzignore file and deliver it. Then we will have add the folder to source control and finally make the changes we want. Hopefully this is fixed in 3.0.1 since you don't see this issue.

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Jeff Foege (45266960) | answered Jul 01 '11, 2:43 p.m.
I did find a work around. For other folders that we don't want under source control we can use the jazzignore file. Then when I load folders it will ignore ones not under source control. The only problem with this approach is if we want to make changes to a folder we are ignoring then we will have to first edit the jazzignore file and deliver it. Then we will have add the folder to source control and finally make the changes we want. Hopefully this is fixed in 3.0.1 since you don't see this issue.

the only problem with this is if you unload the component it still will delete folders not under source control. At least it won't delete them when doing a load now. Half way there.

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