Access the Javascript API
Accepted answer
Please look at the following Wiki entry:
It provides all the details on Attribute Customization including script based attribute customization.
I think what Rotem wants to know is :
Are there any libraries of java scripts for RTC and documentation to understand how to use functions of java script.
Rotem please post if you got the answer for your question.
For example
I want to fetch current week number and save value on the work item using script based calculated value, but I don't know what functions I need to use to get current week number using java script.
For what RTC supports read that wiki page, please. Note that that is all that is documented. Note the "limited type support".
If you want to understand JavaScript in general and how to - for example - get the date and how to work with it, find yourself a JavaScript tutorial such as and learn there. We don#t document that stuff here.
Also be a ware of the limitations of the RTC JavaScript API as explained in and in