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REST API for the Rational Requirements Composer

Rangachari Anand (1) | asked Jun 23 '11, 10:33 a.m.
We would like to be able to access artifacts stored in a requirements oroject in RRC 3.0.1. Although there apparently is no published REST API, I thought that I would try the same approach that is described for RTC:

I started with:

and tried to navigate to the service descriptor for a reqiuirements project. However, I found that unlike the ccm case, very little information is actually available through this API for requirements projects.

In contrast, I notice that an SDK was available for release 2:

Will this get updated for 3.0.1 ?


21 answers

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Dec 08 '11, 11:11 a.m.
Issue #2 has been discussed in workitem 51322

The solution is to add ^^xsd:datetime (or as a UTF-8 encoded string, %5E%5Exsd%3AdateTime) right after the timestamp to the query URI in order for the timestamp to be processed properly. The timestamp should be in quotes. See comment 12 of the workitem above for an example URI.

Issue #1 has been filed as workitem 51321

First sorry for the long post.
I trying to be clear about it

I have two problems:

We created a custom Attribute and named it IM which is a boolean attribute. We saw that the name for the attribute was generated or encrypted, is there a way to identify this attribute without needing to actually see the generated ID?
This is how it was displayed for us:
We need to use it on the where clause or our select, is it possible? How can we identify it?
"&oslc.where="+ URLEncoder.encode("rt:IM=false", "UTF8");

We managed to query the requirements from RRC just fine but we are having some troubles trying to query using the dcterms:modified attribute, which is a Date field.
We followed an example on the OSLC documentation and it did not work. The query show no results.
This is the example from the website:
?oslc.where=dcterms:title="test case 1" and dcterms:modified>="2008-12-02T18:42:30"
We even tried a different example also from OSLC documentation which doesn't use the time only the date ("2011-11-10") and it also did not work.
It doesn't show us any error but my guess is that the date format is wrong somehow. When we use a different filed like dcterms:identifier or dcterms:title it works just fine.

We are using the sample code from the workshop, this is how we are doing it:
String oslcSearchByModifiedQuery = queryCapabilityURI
+ "&oslc.prefix="
+ URLEncoder.encode("dc=<http>","UTF8")+
"&" + URLEncoder.encode("dc:title", "UTF8") +
"," + URLEncoder.encode("dc:description", "UTF8") +
"," + URLEncoder.encode("dc:modified", "UTF8") +
"," + URLEncoder.encode("dc:identifier", "UTF8") +
"&oslc.where="+ URLEncoder.encode("dc:modified>\"2011-11-27\"", "UTF8");

Daniel Bryon

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